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What Happens When You No Longer Like the Direction of a Project

Reader Wijtze Valkema writes in with the following question:

I was wondering if you ever run into the problem of having a project going in a direction that you don’t really want creatively, and how you deal with these projects. A project that sounds fun at first and just right up your alley in terms of style, but after a couple proposals the project turns into something you’re not happy with, or even think shouldn’t be known as your work. Do you quit? Do you finish it? Do you ask having your name removed from the credits? Does it hurt your style and name when your name is credited to a project you feel isn’t ‘you’ anymore? Does it hurt your relationship with the client when you quit half-way or finish it but want no name credit?

Unfortunately, this is all too common of a problem. One of the things that separates illustrators from fine artists is that we have clients that need to be pleased. And clients, sadly, can sometimes be wrong.

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The Pros and Cons of Illustration Reps

Illustration reps can be great allies for illustrators. However, while they may seem like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for many inexperienced graphic artists, there are some positive aspects and some negative aspects about having a rep that should be considered before teaming up with one. In this post, we’ll discuss those different facets.

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